Lovely Filipina girls ready and willing....
In the past two years I have spent a considerable amount of time in Southeast Asia and China. I have found the food throughout the Philippines terrible, the temperature unbearable at times, the pollution unforgivable, the beer awful, service in the hospitality industry appalling, prices in the better establishments, i.e., Hyatt Casino and Hotel, ridiculous. But to smooth over the faults of the Philippines, the women are hot and willing to give themselves to a western man for a small amount of money in the hopes they will meet someone who will give them a better life.
Mind you, life couldn’t get much worse for the residents of the bigger cities in the Philippines. The LA Club in Manila is a place where young Filipina women can go to congregate, in the hopes of latching on to a western man. These girls, ranging in ages from 18 to 50, will fuck for a whole night for 1000 to 1500 Philippine Pesos. (At the time of this article that translates to around $40 to $60 Aus per night.)
The good news is that if you are pinching your pennies you don’t have to spend your hard earned dollars on buying them drinks as the majority of these girls have day jobs, teaching, nursing, doctoring, retailing, etc, and the service you get for your money is nothing short of spectacular. I'm talking massages, blow jobs, a good fuck in any position, as many as you can handle in one night; these are the perks of buying a Filipina whore.
Because most western men see the goods as incredibly inexpensive, they may get greedy, buying two or three of these young beautiful Filipina’s for the night, and believe me, for the money. What is really sad about the situation is, these girls are forced into prostitution by the poverty that ravages the country, and there is plenty of that in these islands of paradise (there are over 7000 islands in the Philippines).
The LA Club is just one of hundreds that provide a venue for the girls to gather. Private clubs charge the girls a fee for using their establishments, but in return give a reward percentage of the cost of the alcohol their “John” drinks. The management of the LA Club does not charge the girls for congregating and parading their wares.
Not all the girls are from Manila or Angel City. Many come from the other towns and villages from the outer islands, Cebu Island, Mindanao, Cagayan de Oro, Padagan, Catalan, and Boracay, just to mention a few. A lot of girls from smaller villages have relatives living in Manila who are seeking their fortune and luck from prostitution in the big cities. I actually asked on 19 year old girl if her mother knew what she was doing and she answered, “Yes, but I send half my earnings back to my parents and they are happy and content with it. They just want me to be happy, and they buy food with the money I send.
Mind you, a female lathe operator in a factory in Cebu earns the equivalent of $3.00 US per day for a 10-hour shift. Most hospitality staff earns $60 US per month and out of that they must take out rent, buy food and clothes, and if a female, all the personal items a woman needs. You can tell the ones that don’t earn anything as they are the ones sleeping on the streets, on the hard concrete sidewalks with their children. These poor people beg from passing strangers or get abused by fellow Philippine people who have no tolerance for their plight.
Many western men meet girls in brothels in Angel City or Manila and take their girls with them to other islands for whatever period of time they are going to be there. At least the girls get fed and bedded in nice accommodation, but they also get used to the extreme. The girls do not mind as long as the money keeps coming in and they are treated respectedly. Most will even let you take photos of them in naughty positions if you ask nice.
Chinese girls, in some ways, are a different story. When in Shanghai and Guangzhou I experienced two prostitutes who both had day jobs, one was a nurse and the other a sales girl in a department store. They were both incredibly beautiful but wanted to supplement their daytime income. The Chinese girls are more dedicated to taking care of the man they are with, yes, still willing to do anything to please their man, but think the man they are with is the only person on earth. Plus there is the cleanliness factor. I believe the Chinese girls are the cleanest girls on earth.
So where would I recommend you go if you’re looking to get laid. China or the Philippines? I would seriously recommend both countries deserve an extended visit. What the hell, go for it! You will be doing two things, helping them eat and live a better life, and satisfying yourself and you sexual cravings.
I think the thing for you to do is book yourself and airline ticket to either China or Manila and from there explore and find out for yourself. You will not only be having a very good time, you will also be helping the economy of both countries. Just remember to make sure your girls are of legal age as both countries have severe penalties for underage sex. Take some duty free perfume and some chocolates for the girls, and they also like scented soaps. These are treats these girls rarely experience. And be nice to the ladies, they deserve that much, at least.
Of course this practice goes on all over Southeast Asia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Burma. And believe me, all these women are truly beautiful.