Ms Lohan has been at it again, misbehaving in her usual manner. Lindsay, 21, gives a new meaning to the term “problem child”. A magazine in the US reportedly claims Lindsay blew $2.13 US on partying, drugs, clothes, cosmetics, the hire of cars and their drivers, expensive hotel rooms, alcohol, tanning, getting her hair done in exclusive salons, (let’s not forget) rehabilitation clinics and general shopping.
Hey Linds, to steal a quote, “time to pencil in a Spenders Anonymous meeting”.
Now, to get herself back on the front page of the supermarket tabloids, after the latest lengthly stint in rehab, Lindsay is claiming to be broke and homeless, but, she managed to steal another women’s man. On ya Lindsay!
She even had sex in the stairwell of the clinic because of a no sex rule that does not allow anyone except medical staff in individual patient’s rooms, and there are cameras to make sure. Her new beau is Riley Giles, an ex-con, whom she met at the clinic. Lindsay has impeccable taste in men, don’t you think? Of course Riley was not a single man, in prison and out, when he met Lindsay. He had a girlfriend that is now screaming Lindsay stole her boyfriend. Listen girl, Lindsay has probably done you a big favour.
Discreet love in a stair well, how gosh! As I said in a previous blog, Lindsay’s vagina is one of the most enjoyed rides in that little piece of paradise we all know as “Tinseltown”.
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