Sunday, October 21, 2007

George Bush and his deputy, Dick Cheney, are the two most dangerous men alive on this planet today. I have been preaching to those that will listen about the dangers of these two arseholes looking for an excuse to start World War III.

If a world war is started, it means that George Bush will remain President of the United States until its end. Both megalomaniacal men are taunting Iran with the threat of military action, meaning that China, Russia and the other Middle East countries will get involved with all hell breaking loose. I am sure Bush and Cheney dream of this scenario, they live for it.

George Bush would hold on to power at any cost. The sad thing about this fact is that both men are totally ignorant. They actually think the rest of the world likes them. I have some sad news for you Mr Bush and Mr Cheney, we don't. Not one bit! You will rain down death and destruction on your citizens by taking such a silly move. I plead with you, use diplomacy. It is the only thing that will save our world from mass destruction on a scale no one in history has ever seen before.


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