Take a good look at this lady, she isn't what she claims to be. In fact, this is a guy posing as an attractive woman and one who tries to scam money out of people on the internet by starting a conversation through Adult Match Makers (a Australian introduction sex web site).
Cindy Smith claims to be studying nursing in Amersterdam but must go to Nigeria to complete her studies. Once there she is robbed and then asks for money "just to get her through". She also promises to come out to Australia to see if she is compatable with her 'squeeze'. Cindy wants you to send the money to a Nigerian travel agent, promises love and affection and after being robbed while in a taxi going to help the poor of Nigeria, is set upon by a gang of thieves where all her money is stolen.
Instead of reporting the crime to the "ineffective" police of the country or seeking help from the Dutch Embassy, Cindy then gets upset that you won't help her financially by sending a lot of money over "just to help her get her life back".
Beware, the scammers are out there.
And to the bloke posing as cindy_smith000@hotmail.com
terrible try dude. I encourage you to write her/him and let them know how pathetic they really are.

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