Speaking of George W, I would like to remind him that "freedom of speech is not sedition".
I have already written on the subject of rights of American citizens and how they seem to erode, almost daily. George W and his cronies seem to have this passionate fear of criticism, whether it's about their job performance, intellect or person. The only logical reason I can come up with for them trying to stop anyone and everyone from saying bad things about them, is because of their insecurities.
I have also previously stated it would not surprise me if George W decided to become dictator and never leave the White House. How scary of a thought is that!!!
Donald Rumsfield came under attack from a group of retired Generals and George W was quick enough to interrupt his Easter sabbatical to defend his personally selected war monger. Wouldn't you think Generals who have commanded troops in various military combat situations know what they are talking about?
The forseeable outcome of these remarks by retired Generals may be they are charged with sedition and put before the courts on charges of treason. By some obscure reasoning this course of events would not surprise me in the least.
I find it amazing that the commander in chief would not listen to men who learned valuable lessons in fields of combat in Viet Nam and Korea, wars that favoured others with their outcomes.
If you think my critisism of George W and his cronies seems harsh or strongly leans towards the left, you are probably right, in more ways than one. I have never liked, trusted or respected George W. A man who cannot look another person in the eye when they are telling lies should have never been elected in the first place, but he was, by Americans. Seems you made your bed and now you have no choice but to lay in it for the next two years.
Seems comedian David Letterman sums it all up in a nut shell with this comment, “President Bush has said that he does not need approval from the UN to wage war, and I'm thinking, well, hell, he didn't need the approval of the American voters to become president, either.”
Host of the Late Show with David Letterman

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