Michelle Leslie has been framed...
Model Michelle Leslie has not commented on her fathers's allegations that Bali Police deliberately contaminated her urine sample with ecstasy.
Last year Leslie was arrested and charged with possession of two ecstasy tablets. Now, according to her father, some newspapers have obtained documents used in Leslie's trial clearly showing her piss test was negative at the time of arrest, but
a second blood and urine test, taken five days later while Leslie was in a Bali's Kerobokan jail, found high levels of MDMA - the chemical compound in ecstasy - in her system.
Leslie was released last November after spending three months in Bali jail for possessing two ecstasy tablets. She always denied the tablets were hers.
Leslie's father said yesterday the blood and urine tests were contaminated and his daughter had been set up.
While incarcerated, Leslie adapted to the Muslim way of dress for the judges. As you can see for yourself from the pictures above, Michelle is a devout Muslim. I would love to see many more photos of Muslim women who feel so devoted.

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