The Australian Way...
Greg, an Australian guy decides to travel around the Greek Islands.
On the island of Kos he walks into a bar, where Jill, an Aussie girl is working as a bartender. Greg orders a Fosters and as she is serving him notices his accent. Over the course of the night they get to know each other and at the end of Jill's shift, Greg asks her is she would like to come back to his place and have sex with him.
Although she is attracted to him she says, "No."
Greg then offers Jill $200 if she will have sex with him. Jill is travelling the world and is a little short of money so she agrees.
The next night Greg guy turns up at the bar again, orders Fosters and after showing her plenty of attention throughout the night asks if she will sleep with him again for another $200. Jill remembers the night before, how good the sex was and is still a little short of money so, she is only too happy to agree to a second tryst.
This goes on for 5 consecutive nights, then on the 6th night Greg comes in again, orders another Fosters and sits in the corner. Jill naturally thinks that if she pays Greg more attention then maybe she can then shake another $200 out of him.
Jill goes over and sits next to Greg and asks, "So, where are you from in Australia?"
Greg answers, "Melbourne."
Jill says, "So am I! What suburb?"
"Footscray." answers Greg.
Jill exclaims loudly, "Unbelievable, me too! What street?"
Greg says, " Cameo Street!"
Jill is now truly amazed at the coincedence, "Me too, what number?"
Greg tells her, "Number 18."
Totally astonished, Jill tells him, "You are not going to believe this but I am from number 22, just two houses away. My parents still live there!"
"I know." replies Greg. "Your father gave me $1000 to give to you."

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