How to waste a courts valuable time…
It would be good if the idiots of British-based Vegetarians International Voice for Animals did a little research before they open their great cake-holes. These misinformed galahs think we have a shortage of kangaroos in Australia. Well let me tell you, we don’t! In a lot of areas in New South Wales, Victoria, South and Western Australia, roos are in plague proportion, knocking down stock fences and grazing the area to the raw earth. Kangaroos breed like rabbits.
While many Americans think the kanga is cute and cuddly, here they are used for food and their skins used to make Aussie souvenirs and clothing. If the kangaroo was truly endangered Australians would make sure they came to no harm. The Kangaroo, along with the Emu is a symbol on Australia’s Coat-of-Arms. It is the most identifiable emblem of our Aussie culture and history, and yes, they do make good shoes and boots.
I happen to have a pair of each. They are long lasting and very comfortable, although replacing them would be quite expensive.
California has a state ban on the sale of kangaroo products as well as other endangered species products. Sort of shows their ignorance of the facts! Anyway, it seems German sportswear giant Adidas has been charged with violating state law by selling kangaroo-skin football shoes.
Lauren Ornelas of VIVA’s Davis, California office said, "We look at this as an international corporation based in Germany violating California law while helping wipe out kangaroos in Australia.” She went on to say, "The number of kangaroos is dropping, and the animals are being killed with extreme cruelty."
Viva claims hunters shoot kangaroos at night, when it is difficult to distinguish which are protected by Australian law.
Lady, let me tell you, these hunters are licensed to shoot roos. Otherwise they would be arrested for breaking the law.
Better yet, instead of arguing with someone who knows little about what they are talking about, let me invite you to the Northern Territory of Australia for a swim in our seas and billabongs. Our crocodiles have been listed as endangered species too, but you’ll be swimming alone!”
Never smile at a crocodile but please, enjoy your swim ...

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