Yes, the Poms have bloody done it again, caught with their heads up their arse...
To be fair, not all the English are dodder-headed, pin-striped twits. A regulator in England known as Broadcast Control Authority has claimed the Aussie ad is "offensive" and banned broadcast of our latest $180 million campaign.
The phrase uttered by the beautiful bikini clad Australian model Lara Bingle "Where the bloody hell are you?" seems to have touched the senses of the prudish Poms. Of course Pommy television has never been known to utter offensive words or phrases.
Go to www.australia.com and view the advertisement yourself. Better yet, download the ad, save it to disc and forward it on to your friends around the world, especially those that live in Britain. There is no stopping an Australian when he or she gets their bloody backs up.
By the way, the launch of the 2006 campaign will go ahead Monday as planned.

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