Now Gerry Harvey wants the federal government to put a 10% GST on all items purchased online from overseas.
I am not against hard working, smart investors making millions of dollars, but seriously Gerry, why not share the wealth!
The problem I have always found with millionaires is that when they open their eyes first thing in the morning, their first thought is, "How can I make another dollar today?" I find that very sad.
Gerry, if you really want to win shoppers this Christmas, then lower your prices and become competitive with online retailers. A simple solution that I find amazing you haven't already thought of this.
Oh and by the way Gerry, do you remember an interview in 2008 where you described giving charity to the homeless as "a waste", and went on to say that it was "helping a whole heap of no-hopers to survive for no good reason".
Of course you did go on to qualify that remark by stating you believe in helping "develop people to their potential", because, "when they achieve [their potential] they will put a lot more back into the community"..
What a load of bullshit Mr Harvey, but Merry Christmas anyway....
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