Thursday, October 28, 2010

One has to remember that the United States of America does not rule the world, although they give it a damn good try. America must remember that democracy is not wanted by every country on this planet.

Many years ago, when I was growing up, our parents used the term, ‘Reds under the bed”, a fear instilling remark that made us glad we were born and raised in America instead of Russia or China. The word communism was bantered about to keep us aware the United States was the best country in the world. We shivered at the thought of communism. But it seems things have gone full circle. Now, democracy is bantered around the world, with children quaking with fear. Democracy is the only thing currently to be feared, especially if you live in a third world country, but I will tell you, democracy does not work in all countries. Although India has elections, they by no means are a democracy, same with Pakistan. Burma, Thailand, Nepal, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam would certainly not welcome democratic reform.

One thing that always irritated me is the phrase Americans use for their president, “Leader of the Free World”. That is a phrase that is totally hated by foreigners of the United States. I personally really despise that saying. I am Australian as well as American, a duel national, and I choose to live in Australia. We are a free country with a very strong economy and our own leader. I have lived in the Philippines; they are a democracy and a member of the free world and have their own leader. The British, I am sure, would not like to think of the American president as their leader.

Many years ago, when the Soviet Union collapsed, Russia tried Capitalism. They wanted to emulate the west, namely America. It failed miserably. Now it looks as though democracy is even failing in the United States. The financial system is in ruins, promises that cannot possibly be kept, are being made to the population, money is being printed at the quickest rate in America’s history, housing foreclosures are at a record high and unemployment is very high .

The US Dollar is in crisis, the deficit is the largest in America’s history and the US is trying to dictate to China and other countries what they should do with their currency and how to run their country. At this time in history, America must run their own country to its fullest capacity and not worry about other countries. Right or wrong, these other countries will run themselves, good or bad, right or wrong, with or without corruption, with or without human rights. Yes, human rights would be a God send if leaders of other countries believed in them, but not everyone does. That is very much a reality.

Other countries do not want America interfering with their domestic politics. Not at all! America would be better off correcting their own domestic problems before attacking other countries practices. Yes, human rights would be a God send if leaders of other countries believed in them, but not everyone does. And why is the United States fighting on two fronts? Wouldn’t the money being spent on wars far from the shores of America be better off spent on education reforms, social security and health care (just to name a few).

An article in the Chinese newspaper People’s Daily suggests China’s main Communist Party bluntly reject calls for speedier political reform. A front-page commentary that said any changes in China’s political system should not emulate Western democracies, but “consolidate the party’s leadership so that the party commands the overall situation.”

The opinion article was aimed at Prime Minister Wen Jiabo. Wen Jiabo has argued in speeches and media interviews that China’s economic progress threatens to stall without systemic reforms, including an independent judiciary, greater oversight of government by the press and improvements in China’s sharply limited form of elections. But in no means does this mean democracy has a place in any reform. Democracy simply would not work in China.

Sad but true, America is in big, big trouble! But empires come and go, i.e., the Roman Empire, Assyrian, Babylonian, Cho son, Egyptian, Greek, Hittite, Minoan, Persian, Phoenician, Shang, Sumerian and Yamato, the British Empire, etc, etc, etc. The real problem is, the people of America do not think it can happen to them. How ignorant can a nation of people be! I feel sorry for the average American, because when it all comes tumbling down around their ears, they will wonder why they were kept in the dark.



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