Channel 9 in Australia has been battling over the last couple of years with programming and if finally emerging as a great contender. After several different personalities appeared on the Today program, 9's early morning current affairs, and news and entertainment program is proving they have the right formula for attracting audiences. With Richard Wilkins, along with Richard Reed covering entertainment, and the very beautiful and authoritative Georgie Gardner reading the news, you just can't watch anything else other that Today. And looking at Georgie Gardner, who would want to? I think Georgie is the most beautiful and intelligent woman on Australian Television today.
The only thing that bothers me about the Today show is the weather maps. Little Stevie Jacobs is a terrific lad and presenter but his only job is reading a very boring temperature chart around Australia. I have complained over and over and over about the weather maps, to no avail. I feel the weather should be made much more interesting with better maps, more synoptic maps and maybe a fly around tidal prediction.
Now I will get to the other photo at the top of this blog, the Sunrise cast. Mel is a typical frumpy 'housewife' who is very boring and dull. Lisa is pretty in a mundane sort of way; Kosh is a dickhead who really should not be on television because he has a face for radio and a sense of humour that would offend bikie gangs at a bbq. The weather girl is cute in a collegiate sort of way and would gain much more attention by posing as a nudie in a men’s magazine.
Channel 7 has some good programs; Sunrise is not one of them!
Karl Stefanovic and Lisa Wilkinson currently host the Today program smoothly and interestingly. It is worth the effort to get up early just to view the program and at the same time keep up to date on what is happening in our country.
Keep going Channel 9, you certainly have the formula right on this one.
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