The G20 Summit has ended with really no results for Barack Obama. Pundits are saying he has lost his appeal to a severe degree on the international stage, because a free trade agreement could not be worked out with the Republic Of South Korea. I cannot blame the American president for wanting to insure more jobs, through exports, for the US workers.
Farmers and auto workers are the big losers if a agreement cannot be worked out.
The last thing Obama did before he left Korea was to blame China for devaluing their currancy, the Yuan (RMB). But isn't this exactly what the American government is doing, by buying more treasury bonds (printing 3 trillion more dollars). How does this move help the current financial situation?
Answer: It doesn't!
My prediction is, towards the end of 2011, into 2012, the world will go into a depression, with consequences worse than the great depression of the 20's. Inflation will more than quadruple, unemployment with reach 50%, crime will increase 300 fold and people on the streets of America will starve, ranking America, for the first time, a third world country.
Now is the time for world leaders to come to the realisation that if they just continue to sit back and do nothing, the world we know today, will end for many people.
I hope this prediction never comes true, but all I can now do is what world leaders are doing, waiting to see what will happen. These leaders need to do more.
How much more? Whatever it takes!
Pretty scary thought process there.
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