Sunday, February 18, 2007

This most strikingly handsome man is none other than my good self....

This photo was taken on a recent trip to Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, at the AIME Conference, the largest travel conference in Australia with interest in the new Dugong Beach Resort on Groote Eylandt, located about 50 kilometres off the East Arnham coast in the Gulf of Carpentaria.

If everything goes as planned the Resort will open mid-September. Anyway, the whole ideal of this article is to introduce myself to you. I do have a personal email address: so if you would like to comment or just plain write me a letter, please use this address.
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A girl screaming for help...and her lips are not even moving!

Brit has cut her locks off and no one knows for sure whether she has done this as a publicity stunt or a cry for help. Whatever the reason there are plenty of people out there who love this little lady and are willing to jump in feet first to save what remains of a decent human being inside that has been taken over by some unknown unseen force. Perhaps it is because she has been on drugs with her skanky mates Paris and her tarty friend Lindsay. Even Brits ex, Kev F., has wandered into the fray, decaling on national television on a awards night, that Brit should be herself and not necessarily pay attention to her publicity seeking new friends.

Here is the girl that declared she wanted to stay virgin until her wedding night, the very same girl that had every man in the world panting at her video clips.
It's a long way from the top when you've been in rock and roll!
I personally do not believe this is a publicity stunt but a cry in the lonely wilderness of fame and fortune for help. Once incredibly successful, Brit is now at the bottom of the pond with the slime and sludge. A real Shame!! Brit has cut her locks off and no one really quite knows for sure whether she has done this as a publicity stunt or that cry for help.

Whatever the reason there are plenty of people out there who love this little lady and are willing to jump in feet first to save what remains of a decent human they being resides inside, that has been taken over by some unknown, unseen force. Perhaps it is because Brit has been on drugs with her skanky mates Paris and her tarty friend Lindsay. Even Brits ex, Kev, has wandered into the fray, decaling on national television that Brit should be herself and not necessarily pay attention to her new friends.
This is the girl that wanted to stay virgin until her marriage, the girl that had every man in the world panting at her video clips. It's a long way from the top when you've been in rock and roll! I personally do not believe this is a publicity stunt but a cry in the wilderness for help. Once incredibly successful, now at the bottom of the pond with the slime and sludge.
A crying shame!
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Computer image of Hicks before and after 5 years of imprisonment on Cuba
Here’s a story for the record, entrepreneur Dick Smith, of helicopter and peanut butter fame, has pledged more than $60,000 in an effort to free David Hicks, the Australian terror suspect being held in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

The United States Government says Hicks was caught with the Taliban in Afghanistan, trained and ready to kill coalition troops. These troops not only included Americans but Australians as well, his countrymen. Because David has been held five years in detention without trial, mostly due to the time costly arguments by his defence lawyers, Hicks has finally been charged with some very serious offences, which in some countries carries the death penalty.

What the do-gooders here in Australia want, is to bring David home, where he will wander the streets of Adelaide, or any other city of his choosing, free as a bird.

I have said it time and time again; this man should be tried by a special court and given, if not the death penalty, life imprisonment. Peter Costello, the Australian Treasurer, has called on the Americans to try David, and, if he is innocent, to be returned to Australian shores. Fair enough!

The point people seem to be missing, is the man was captured with a enemy force, and he should be tried, under a fair trial system, be it military or civilian court, and if he is found guilty then should pay the consequences under the full letter of the law. anybody listening? This man is dangerous!!!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

All aboard Lindsay Lohan please
Can't help herself
Seeing Paris at night
Paris Commando

And what do these sluts have in common? Both are celebrities, both are wealthy, both women are skanky, I would love to do both women (perferably at the same time) and both are already past their use by dates.

But, being the lover of Southern California fauna, I must confess when I saw the Hollywood Hairless Beaver in its natural environment, I was most impressed. Usually shy and hard to spot, these two magnificent species are divine.
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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

David Hicks as a boy

What a handsome, cute, cuddly, deadly, little boy!
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Monday, February 05, 2007

As reported in the Sydney Morning Herald today, "Prime Minister John Howard has criticised America's handling of the David Hicks' case as a handful of his backbenchers demanded the Australian terror suspect be returned home.Speaking to government members as parliament returned for the year, Mr Howard also acknowledged that community sentiment was changing about the Adelaide man who has been held without trial at a US military prison in Cuba for five years."The PM said he acknowledged the shift in community sentiment," a coalition spokesman said."He feels this hasn't been well-handled by the Americans."Mr Howard told his colleagues that the government had resolved to put a deadline on charges against Hicks and "would pursue the Americans on other timelines"."The prime minister said he was very uncomfortable the Americans had taken three years to get around to charging him," the spokesman said.Mr Howard continued to harden his line against the US as half a dozen backbenchers voiced their concerns about the way the Hicks case had been handled."
I wanted to reproduce the article because I have been saying all along that David Hicks is an idiot. He trained with the Taliban, was caught with the Taliban, was willing to kill Americans and Australians for the Taliban, so what do we do with this home grown terrorist? Bring him home so he can roam the streets and give him leave to chum up with his other terrorist buddies already in Australia? I think not. I wish they would take David Hicks out back and put a bullet in his head. That would save tax payers money and end all the boo-hoo lobbyists who don't care about their countrymen and countrywomen.
Do the crime, pay the time!
The problem we have with politicians all over the world is they cave into constituent pressure, right or wrong. You must really have to be weak to be a politician.