Thursday, August 17, 2006

If only it were true...
Take a good look at this lady, she isn't what she claims to be. In fact, this is a guy posing as an attractive woman and one who tries to scam money out of people on the internet by starting a conversation through Adult Match Makers (a Australian introduction sex web site).

Cindy Smith claims to be studying nursing in Amersterdam but must go to Nigeria to complete her studies. Once there she is robbed and then asks for money "just to get her through". She also promises to come out to Australia to see if she is compatable with her 'squeeze'. Cindy wants you to send the money to a Nigerian travel agent, promises love and affection and after being robbed while in a taxi going to help the poor of Nigeria, is set upon by a gang of thieves where all her money is stolen.

Instead of reporting the crime to the "ineffective" police of the country or seeking help from the Dutch Embassy, Cindy then gets upset that you won't help her financially by sending a lot of money over "just to help her get her life back".

Beware, the scammers are out there.

And to the bloke posing as
terrible try dude. I encourage you to write her/him and let them know how pathetic they really are. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

This little lady says she is through with screwing around.....(and everybody)!

Paris, the darling of the jetset and multi-rich girl, says she has only ever done two men in her life (I wonder if she means two at one time, two young boys, two older men...two what!?!). Paris says she is going to reamin celebate for the next twelve months. I, for one don't believe it. According to media reports, this girls got a vagina that's had more rides than most race horses get in a lifetime, damn near equal to Lindsay Lohan's Beverly Hills antics. It has been said these two ladies are the best rides in town.

After watching the video again (and again and again and again) I have my doubts about Paris's reforms.
Good luck Paris baby, but I really like you just the (promiscuous) way you are.
 Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 14, 2006

I am about to embark on a trip to the United States to visit my old, ailing Father. I haven't seen him in a couple of years, since he made the journey to Australia at 83, a feat I am still truly amazed at.

What unerves me, and I am not afraid to admit it, is the fact there are people with misguided beliefs about their place in human society. These wankers are willing to kill themselves and take down a lot of innocent people with them.

After surviving several heart attacks and a triple by-pass surgery several years ago, I treat the beginning of every new day with reverence and respect. It is true that I am lucky to still be here, walking on this great earth and breathing (although sometimes with difficulty) the good air that God gives us.

What concerns me at this moment is predjudiced thinking. Because a person believes in something and you don't, is no reason to start a war, or kill another being. Even God does not give us that right. God alone decides who will live and who will die. This decision is not up to anyone person, no matter his position in society.

Instead of fighting amounst ourselves we should be busy trying to understand the other persons priciples of life and trying to learn respect for what others believe, respect for who they are, respect for their religion, respect for their way of life, respect of everything about them.

I know this isn't how we evolved. All we want to do is kill our enemies instead of trying to understand them. We were doing that while we were still monkeys and things have only got worse.

Now, because of disagreements in the middle east, or disagreements over religion, or just because we are all different, some fanatical people want to kill innocents, on airliners, on the battlefield and in our cities, in our homes. Well, to all of you with no brains, your intellect isn't worth the price of the pig your mother must have fucked to bring you into this world. Instead of taking lives why don't you get one!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Hi there! Sorry I have been away for so long but health and business issues have really kept me busy, as well as my long list of friends that demand so much of my time.

What has been happening in my life...well, I met a lady on the internet from Amsterdam. Cindy is a nurse currently working in Nigeria. She is a spectacular looking woman and wants to come to Australia to see if a relationship will develope with the view of settling here (with me of course) if things work out. Of course I don't deserve this good forturne but who's to argue with the Gods.

I have just returned from a business oriented 5-day trip to Shanghai (China) and I must tell you that my opinion of Chinese people has changed dramatically. The people that populate this enormous city (approx. 100 x 100 kilometres each way) are incredibly industrious, knowledgable and above all that, really nice. They may be controlled by their government but everyone appeared to be very happy with their lot in life. I look forward to going back to China time and time again, a most remarkable country and the food is great, the karaoke moderate and the women running hot!!! Just another added bonus of Chinese culture.

Now I am getting ready next week to flying to the United States to see family and address some church groups on the new resort we are building at Groote Eylandt (see previous article).

My father has moved into his late 80's and is planning his next big trip with his travelling companion, God. I will admit he's had good innings, I should be so lucky! I am planning to sit and talk with him for as many hours as he wants. I love my old man very much and am proud to call him my Father!

When I get back to Darwin, early September, I leap right back into it. I am looking forward to that as well. Health is moderate but hey, what the hell, we weren't going to be here permanent anyway. I believe one should do what one has to do, get on with it anddo it as good as one can, then move on to the next project in life, no matter what it is and accept the consequences of ones own actions.

Must run now, my first meeting of the day, as usual at 0600 hours. I promise to write more about world events with my views saracastically mixed in. Until the sun sets again.....