Life as we know it…
How ironic…
“What was that?” I asked. Oh, you mean freedom of expression, I’m not too sure.”
In Australia we have freedom of speech and expression but, neither one is protected under Australia’s constitution, and can be, by the courts, determined in many different ways.
Australia’s tyrannical government, as some would insist is in power at present, has looked at a new video game Marc Ecko’s Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure and immediately banned it, meaning you cannot rent, sell, hire, copy or even demonstrate how the game works without threat of breaking the law. The Classification Review Board of Australia’s refusal was endorsed by Attorney-General Phillip Ruddock, who called for the review of the original classification MA+15.
Phil Ruddock says the game could possibly promote graffiti and violence. Thank God (Allah too!) these board members weren’t around when Godfather was being reviewed or we may have never seen that film.
By the way, Australia is the only country in the world to ban the game.
Pharmacology, finally, back where it belongs…
The Sydney Morning Herald printed, 17 February, the debate on RU486 has been resolved, by a conscience vote of elected members of the House of Representatives.
"Full resolution", one could only wish! This debate is far from dead, but those homosapiens with a vagina and uterus can be assured, at least for this week, they have reclaimed the right to hang out the “Private Property” sign!
Here’s my argument, doctors that prescribe birth control pills and pharmacists who fill the prescriptions are already hindering future population growth of this country, indeed the whole world, and yet, this is legal. What is the difference of prescribing Ru486 to stop unwanted pregnancies. An abortion should be every woman’s right, to determine whether or not she wants to carry to full-term. Women who have been raped, pregnancy through incest, if a danger to the woman’s life or the foetus is determined, or the foetus is determined be deformed; these are real reasons for the termination of a pregnancy. Another important valid reason is “self-determination”. (Please note, these are but a few reasons to abort unwanted pregnancies.)
Attention all Government Ministers, Senators and Premiers, Chief Ministers and Wheat Bag Johnny, beware the wrath of a woman when she gets pissed off because you are trying to control her or invade her personal space.
Here’s the thing, those politicians that want to stop a woman from aborting an unwanted pregnancy and call it “murder” are the very same polliticians that sent our troops as part of a coalition force into Iraq to maim and kill their soldiers of the Hussein government, too put our soldiers in harms way. I find it hard to phantom the way politicians think.
Please allow me to quote from the 17 February edition of the Sydney Morning Herald, an unknown woman posted this message, “When men take full responsibility for contraception, stop pressuring women into sex to relieve their own needs, and give up their careers and all the kudos they get from them, too care for a child, I will have no objection to them having a say in the continuation or not, of a pregnancy. Until then, ‘Butt out’, it’s a decision you can’t make.”
I say, “It should be every woman’s inalienable right to determine what happens to her body!”
In Oz our brains think differently…
Reading an article a couple of weeks ago about Unilever, the makers of Lynx Deodorant products (and many other’s) have created a fantasy airline that has caused the biggest run on supermarket counters in a long time, with over 1.7 million cans of Lynx deodorant flying off the shelves. Advertising fantasy airline “Lynx Jet” with “Mosties”, replacing Hosties, initially having slinky imagery flogging Lynx on the outside of its JETSTAR aircraft, until it was banned by the airline this last December, Unilever claims this is the biggest run on any of it’s products in the last twenty-years.
Spray-on sex appeal has even found young men as low as age 10 using Lynx to try and attract girls. (Onya boys!)
Australia certainly is the “clever country”, at least in Marketing, with Carlton United Breweries last year creating a commercial, shot in New Zealand, with a cast of seemingly thousands, running and then forming the image of a man drinking a beer. Their idea of putting this commercial to DVD and then giving it to their employees and telling them to send it to their friends on the world-wide-wed, has generated unprecedented sales of their product, Carlton Draught. (And a very nice beer it is too!)
Need I mention how successful these two advertising and marketing campaigns are?
And finally, a pertinent question…
How is it the United States government can spend trillions of dollars on war when the aged, the poor, the homeless, the sick, the hungary, the mentally ill and the desperate, need so much attention at home?
Day off tomorrow (Sunday), see you Monday!
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